Alcohol based sanitisers are not for everyone, and haven’t always been available when we have needed them! Don’t despair, PROTECTOR will always be there!
Not everyone is aware of the Alcohol Free Sanitisers, but they also kill 99.9% of germs and help protect your hands where alcohol versions can be quite damaging! Check out the benefits of PROTECTOR in our info sheets below. You may be surprised, but always PROTECTED!
Are Alcohol Free Hand Sanitisers any good? Do they work?
Yes! They are great, and come with some surprising benefits!
Alcohol free sanitisers are often on the same shelves as the alcohol sanitisers in the supermarkets. They just are not as well known! BUSHBY’s PROTECTOR is a new twist on the Alcohol free hand sanitisers that have been around for literally years. Alcohol free sanitisers are effective against a wide range of germs and bacteria and even viruses when formulated correctly.
Side Note
*BUSHBY’s – PROTECTOR – is not TGA tested.
We are not making any specific claims about specific viruses.
We are happy to say that PROTECTOR kills 99.9% of germs.
How does it work?
Soap is often the best cleaner and protection we can have from bacteria, germs and virus control / protection. When soap is not available, we use RINSE FREE sanitisers for protection. For the most effective sanitising of your hands and skin, PROTECTOR contains a range of safe, soap based ingredients to kill bacteria and other germs. There are (3) three parts to a good sanitiser, that are very important to ensure proper, thorough sanitising.
1. Good effective ingredients selected for the purpose
2. Manual rubbing action -friction / agitation.
3. Time on hands -Minimum of 20 seconds is recommended.
The manual hand rubbing action to any hand sanitiser is extremely important!
The physical action of rubbing your hands together enables cellular, or the membrane of negative bacteria and viruses to rupture and allow the sanitising agent to enter the cell, allowing the sanitiser to be effective.
The time the sanitiser in in contact with your skin is also extremely important.
If the product dries to quickly, the time that is required to attack the broken cells is greatly reduced and will more than likely make the sanitiser ineffective.